Sunday 12 September 2021

Class cook off!

 Hi guys me again ad today I have some baking!

In our class (room 8) we did a class cook off so you could make something sweet or something savory.

Here's what I made: 

This is called a strawberry cloud cake!

Heres the recipe in case you want to make your own!:


  1. Hi Rita
    It's Sophia here from room 24.
    That looks so good I wish I could taste it. Just saying maybe you could ask a question so the person on your blog can answer it. Did you win the class cook off? Blog you later.

  2. Oh my goodness, this looks absolutely scrumptious! I'm guessing you and your family ate it pretty fast - are there any pieces left? Great cooking Rita!
    Kia pai tō rā. (Have a good day.)

  3. I Rita L it is me Alfonsus and I attend St Pius x School I actually really like this blog and I actually might wanna cook it my self anyways great job with this beautiful blog and keep up the good work.

  4. WOAH! Hello and Greeting Rita L, this looks amazing, its incredible, you might be the best cooker in your class, you might win, by the way, see you again smart learner.

  5. Kia Ora Rita,

    My name is Moala and I attend St Pius X Catholic School I really like your blog. Maybe you could add an actual link for the viewers but it is fine. Thank you for giving us the Recipe on how to Make the Strawberry Cake. Well Done on Making the Strawberry Cake! Noho ora Mai

  6. Hi Rita, My name is Briana and I attend St Pius X Catholic School in New Zealnd. I really likje your blog maybe next time re-read your information and maybe add more info. But overall Great Job.


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