Hi guys me again and today I have something a little different its a slide with some writing about a tui and his friends having to over come a problem in the story......
Here it is:
Hi guys me again and today I have something a little different its a slide with some writing about a tui and his friends having to over come a problem in the story......
Here it is:
Hi guys me again and today I have more about Tuis! today I have a fact file all about Tuis and where they live and what they eat and so on
Here it is:
Hi guys me again and today I have a slide with all the labels of were the body parts are in a Tui
Here it is:
Hi guys me again and today I have A slide all about the bird of the year thing that has been happening did you know the the bat pekapeka-tou-roa was the bird/bat of the year
Here it is:
Hi guys me again and today I have a google drawing for you all to have a look at. Its Called evaluating media so this is either real or fake which one do you think?
Here it is: