Thursday, 27 August 2020

My awesome but slightly copied pig's hut!

Hi Guys me again this is my pig's hut I am actually quite happy with this because I used to be a big professionalist but I think I am getting over that stage I loved to draw but I always got so annoyed! anyways I got the Idea of drawing this by my friend Charlotte (make sure to check out Charlottes Blog) I hope you like it
Stay safe,

Monday, 24 August 2020

Lemon meringue pie! (that tasted amazing)

Hi guys me again, this is the lemon  meringue pie that me and my mum made it was really nice and it only had 5 ingredients so it was pretty quick and easy to make. So if you wanna also make it here is the recipe for this 5 ingredient Lemon meringue pie!Lemon meringue pie!
Stay safe,

Wednesday, 19 August 2020


Hi guys me again hope your all having a GREAT day! this is my post of the week hopefully I will post something every week (hopefully) anyway this is my slide about DOLPHINS I have done something like this before it was my horse slide make sure to check it out later  ( you might need to older post a few time and then slide down!) hope you like both of them see you later
Stay safe

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Guess my animal!

Hi guys Its me again, Hope your all having fun In lock down!

I got this blog post from my friend Mikayla  ( make sure to check out her blog after : so basically you have to guess what my FAVOURITE animals is here is the clue: I run very fast if I need to what do you think it is!
Stay safe,